Planning to move this summer? Book now!

In the last two blogs, I covered tips for the military moving overseas and testimonials from our customers who were happy with our services here at Rainier Overseas. With summer months literally just around the corner and practically here already, book now if you plan on moving this summer.

Summer is the busiest time of the year for us here at Rainier Overseas, so it’s important that you act fast to schedule a professional move. Almost one-third of all moves takes place in the summer, peaking in June, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The busiest times overall during summer are often near the end of the month and on weekends going into the Fall.

Scheduling your move mid-month or mid-week can reduce stress and sometimes result in savings. Begin contacting moving companies at least one month to two months prior to your move. Reputable moving companies can reach capacity quickly, and procrastinating may result in missing your preferred move date.

Make sure to ask your moving company for referrals and testimonials too (refer to blog #61). Here at Rainier Overseas, we provide free in-home estimates for the move at no obligation to you. Even if you are considering handling the move yourself, you have nothing to lose by inviting us into your home so you can find out if a professional move is the best option for you (highly recommended).

If you decide to go with another moving company, be sure the mover has a federal motor carrier, or MC, number so you know your mover is legitimate. You can verify their status by contacting the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration by visiting You can also visit the Federal Maritime Commission for overseas moves at

Don’t procrastinate, schedule your move now if you are planning to move in the summer and Fall and remember, always purchase moving insurance to protect all of your household goods.

Safe moving!

Steps to follow with on-site custom crating services

  • In last week’s blog, I provided you tips about when you should utilize custom crating services. This week, I’m going to let you know how custom crating services work and what steps you are expected to take in order to take full advantage of custom crating packaging.

    First – Your mover such as myself can get you in touch with a reputable and solid custom crating service for you. This is after you have had an in-home assessment of all of your household goods. Once you know the number of valuable items you need to be shipped in crates, an assessor will come to your home.

    Second – A great moving company will always send an assessor to your home. Avoid moving companies that claim they can do this through email or by phone, watch out, they are probably scammers. The assessor will properly evaluate your valuable items and will provide the proper packing options that will keep your goods safe.

    Third – Once the assessor completes the evaluation, a price will be generated through our moving electronic system and will be included in the overall moving price quote. Make sure your mover highlights the custom crate services in your moving invoice.

    Fourth – Once the price quote is generated and upon your approval, skilled custom crate experts will then come to your home and will build the crate to perfectly fit all of your valuable items and goods to be shipped.

    Fifth – Custom crates will have two layers of protection, soft shell that goes around the valuable items itself, and the hard-protective shell that is the hardwood walls of the crate. High-value items will be packed tightly so the items won’t move during shipping. The experts will do specialized blocking with bracing elements so your valuables will be completely immobilized.

    Custom crating is the way to go to insure your expensive and valuable items are safely moved during transit. As I say frequently, always purchase moving insurance just in case.

    Safe moving!