Will moving to Europe from the USA increase your chances of finding love?

While the numbers of people who move to Europe from the USA continue to be steady, the idea that you are more likely find romance abroad is a myth that is simply not true.

This is an idea put forth in the latest blog posting of Elizabeth Carlsson, a journalist for the internationally renowned “The Local” which is one of Sweden’s most respected English language news sites.

While the news of these findings put forth by Carlsson may seem trivial in regard to the global big picture, in truth there are a startling high amount of thoughts and theories presented by her that match the common characteristic stereotypes of Europeans that many in the world have grown to be accustomed to.

Chief among these is Carlsson’s assertion that, to many of the men she has dated, she will always be a “foreigner” and she seems no closer to shedding this label. She says that she is frequently regarded as the American with all of the typical American traits that USA citizens supposedly possess and that that has hindered her ability to meet, date and, ultimately, find her soul mate since relocating to Europe.

The irony in the story is that this is the exact reputation that Europe has been trying to avoid. They have been pushing for decades the concept that the general population refuses to stereotype foreigners and to have a well known publication such as “The Local,” with its army of readers, publish such a story to paint so much of Europe in a negative light (Carlsson first lived in London before Stockholm) cannot be something that puts immigration officials in a good mood.

It is yet to be determined what effect, if any, the publishing of such a story has on the situation on the ground. Will European officials urge community leaders to fight against this seemingly everlasting stereotype of its citizens being cold and un-accepting of foreigners? Or will the story get ignored along with the many others of those who move to Europe from the USA and continue to tell similar tales?

Contact us any time at Rainier Overseas Movers to get a free quote for your move to Europe from the USA.

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