Tips to cleaning up everything before you move

Whether you like it or not, you need to clean your home and make sure your new home destination is in tip-top shape as well. It’s the normal process of moving but if you make sure to schedule cleaning task before you move, it will be a lot easier process when you head overseas.

First, make sure you purchase the proper cleaning supplies so you can use cleaning tools for specific items such as counter tops, appliances etc. Some of the suggested supplies to purchase include some of the following:
• Windex cleaner
• Shower and bathroom cleaners
• Magic erasers
• Duster
• Step ladder
• Paper towels and cleaning rags
• Specialty cleaners
• Trash bags

The best way to approach cleaning your residence is to schedule a specific time when you will begin to tackle the cleaning. Once your time has been allotted, move through your home room-by-room and scrub the rooms top to bottom, clean the interior and exterior of your appliances and then save your floors for cleaning them last.

Once your current residence is ready to be rented out or purchased, you will need to ensure the new home your moving into is cleaned as well. Here’s some simple tips:
• If moving into a new home, find out if the former homeowners plan to clean the home before they leave. You never know, it may not happen and the last thing you want is to have your belongings moving into a dirty home.
• If you are moving into a rental, find out if the management company or owners plan to have your new home thoroughly cleaned and be sure to ask when it will be cleaned and ready to move into.
• By chance, if your new residence won’t be cleaned before your move, I would recommend hiring a professional cleaning service. It might be a few more dollars to add to your moving budget but will save you a lot of time and will ensure your new home is totally cleaned.
• If you clean your new home yourself, schedule a time in your calendar to make sure you plan ahead and have the proper cleaning supplies on hand. I wouldn’t hesitate to invite friends to help you along with your family members and provide snacks and even dinner for their cleaning efforts.

By being prepared and scheduling time to clean your new home, it will make your move clean and stress-free!

Safe moving!

How many pros do you need if you are moving in a hurry

When you decide, or must move across the country or overseas, many folks ask me, how many movers will I need to move all my personal belongings especially if you need to move quickly. One of the key factors I tell my clients is, how much stuff you can part with. In other words, what items can you store or just get rid of. This is one of the best times to clean out and get rid of personal belongings, furniture etc. and eliminate unused or unwanted items.

After you have completed your own inventory, you can get a better idea of the personal belongings you will need to move or put in storage. This will save you a lot of time and money too.

The best way to know how many movers you will need to move quickly and to receive a fair price when you move? Make sure your moving company hires or has a reputable moving assessor to go over all your belongings you plan to move. He or she then will take notes and assess the weight, size and any special items that need to move such as a piano or pool table; you will need a 3 to 4-person crew with professional experience to get the job done fast and safely.

Here’s something that you do know because it is nothing but common sense knowledge – the more professional movers you hire, the faster they will get the job done. Ok, that statement may not always be true, but let’s assume for that moment that it is so. But even if your utmost desire is to have the move completed in record quick time, it’s the price you will have to take into consideration as well.

So, more movers will mean less time, but more movers will also mean more money. Ultimately, you will have to strike a reasonable balance between time and money to stay within the happy medium of moving overseas. That’s why it’s so important to have a reputable assessor to take care of this for you.

Carry distance
Also, keep in mind that sometimes the carry distance to the moving truck will come into play too if the price of your move doesn’t include your home distance. And if you are calculating from a timing standpoint due to your “rush move,” include movers that may have to carry boxes and other items of your personal belongings a long way such as 50 feet or so, be sure to add about an hour and a half of the total time you want to have your move completed.

If you have a flight or more of steps to get into your home, your assessor will take this into consideration regarding the entire cost of the move and if you are in a hurry, add about an hour for each flight of stairs.

The best way to move in a hurry, hire a reputable moving company with terrific assessors and don’t ever try to skimp on a cheaper mover that provides only a “one-person” band to try to get the job done. And always purchase moving insurance before you move.

Safe moving