Tips to getting you connected when moving overseas

Last week, I discussed some of the risks to avoid when moving overseas. This week, I’m going to provide you some tips on how to stay electronically connected when moving overseas. If you are moving internationally and taking your desktop or laptop with you, you’ll want to be sure to stay connected especially if your move is work-related. There are many things to keep in mind and be aware of before you leave the U.S. so your connection to your computer with the local system is completely compatible. Many countries are not digitally connected yet like here at home.

Important tips and things to consider to ensure you are connected before heading overseas:
• Learn what the country’s voltage is and what type of built-in adapters you need to take with you. Ask if the telephone plugs are hard-wired directly into the wall or is it digital. Digital signals vary and your modem may not work. Purchase a modem and voltage adapter based on the power voltage of your new country of origin.
• To avoid having a full meltdown of your computer if for some reason a power surge occurs and you don’t have a surge protector, find out if the power or electricity is reliable and what specific power protector you should have. Trust me, this will save you a lot of headaches and preserve your desktop information if it isn’t based on the cloud.
• There are some modems that don’t run properly in certain countries. Make sure to find out what type of modem that is compatible.
• Before you move, find out what local Internet Service Provider (ISP) is best to use. Local ISPs for the most part are much cheaper than the granddaddy ones and more reliable too. In general, partake in what the locals do.
• Check to ensure you have all the correct software and programs that are compatible in your new home. In addition, there are some local software packages that makes it easier to use your programs in another country.

It’s easy to take for granted when living in the states how everyone is connected especially with smartphones and smart TVs. Digital has made things much better but not every country is up-to-par yet. Do a little research, purchase pertinent adapters and you’ll be able to stay connected before moving out of the country.

Safe moving!