Tips regarding your mail when moving

Even though many of us receive packages via FedEx or by other means, we still have important snail-mail to collect and when moving overseas, you want to ensure you receive it at your new home or residence. With technology today, you can now actually manage your mail from abroad by using mail forwarding services.

Moving can be stressful especially moving overseas but be sure to select a mail servicing company before heading out so that important letters, correspondences and yes, even bills are still sent to you.

You can choose a variety of features including:
• Mail sent monthly, bi-monthly or as requested
• Add an Internet account so you can view the status of your mail and specify specific shipping dates
• Shipping and customs documents can be handled by the shipping service you choose
• Categorize or select which parcels of mail you want to receive overseas

The U.S. Postal Services regulates commercial receiving agencies (CRMAs) and requires a form to be filled out (you can download it here: and have identification documents handy when filling out the form. If you have a significant other and you’re not married, each person will need to fill out a separate form.

Mail-forwarding services eases a lot of worries when heading overseas and this is just another convenient service to use when living in another country.

Safe moving!

Tips ensuring paperwork is in good shape before your international move

You have a passport and visa and off you go to move overseas. Not so fast, you need to make sure other documents are in order before leaving. It’s crucial that additional paperwork and important copies of medical insurance, income tax records and the like are with you heading to your host country.

There are not only obligations from your own government here but records of “who you are” are important to have to take with you. Make sure you have copies with you in your briefcase or other hand-carried case on the airplane, don’t put them in your luggage in case it’s lost and certainly don’t ship them away in your belongings heading overseas.

Below is a recommended list of documents to have with you when moving:
• Employment contracts and a letter from your employers stating the terms of your stay. If local host-country authorities need them for some reason or ask to see them.
• Birth certificates of each family member
• Pertinent medical records
• Pertinent dental records
• Driver’s license (if you are planning to drive a vehicle in your host country, you’ll need to apply for a license there)
• Property and vehicle insurance records
• Income tax records
• Wills if Appropriate
• Each member of your family’s passport and other documentation

By making sure you have multiple copies of important documents with you, your overseas move will be so much easier in the event that any of your paperwork is requested while traveling or when you are settling into your new home.

Safe moving!

Tips moving via plane

This week, I’m going to provide you tips if you decide to move via airplane.

Moving by a plane can be convenient alternative to moving by truck or car. If you plan correctly and if you are in a big hurry, here’s some tips to keep in mind:
• Plan ahead – Do your research online and find out what the extra baggage policies are with your airline. Airlines differ on how many bags you can take with you, size and weight are considering factors too. Do your research so you know what your total costs will be to move your personal home furnishings.
• Lighten it up – When moving across country or overseas, costs add up if you have a lot of belongings. If you are moving on a permanent basis, I’d have a garage sale and get rid of a lot of your stuff that you no longer need or use. If it’s temporary, you can probably get away with bringing only the items you use the most.
• Scale – Before you go to the airport, weigh your luggage to ensure it doesn’t exceed the size and weight limits of your airline.
• Alternatives – You probably won’t be able to ship everything via plane, so I’d hire shipping experts like Rainier to package and ship your personal belongings whether by ground, train or air.

These tips will be useful if you are moving via plane.

Safe moving!