Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 11:54 AM

Subject: Move from England to Los Angeles, California

Dear Diane and Carrie,

warm greetings from Los Angeles, our new home!

We want to thank you for this great and smooth running relocation. It´s still unbelievable that our goods „traveled on their own“ over the Atlantic ocean, around half of the world from our beloved home in Berlin to the fantastic new house here in California. And this is just our side of view as clients. I know that both of you had much more logistical to dos and issues and its unbelievable for us to think about all details: to make sure that our things are packed into the correct container, onto the correct ship, to the correct port, with the correct schedule, to unpack our things and to finally deliver it to the correct house – wow, thats amazing! Thank you so much for this.

And we also want to say that both teams, the Abels team in Berlin and the team here in Los Angeles were outstanding and did a very, very good, confident and far-seeing job.

Please don’t misunderstand me, but I hope and I don’t want to move again soon, because even when it was a very good experience, it was also a tough and tense period of time for us and I am happy that we can now start our new life and routines to create our new home here in Los Angeles. I am more than happy that we could work with you and your companies and have all your professional and outstanding experiences at our side – if we ever will relocate, we want to do it with you again (… but I don’t want to think about that now :).

We also want to thank Whitehouse Post for their support, help and the possibility to work with both of you and your companies. We will absolutely recommend to Whitehouse Post to do future relocations of Whitehouse employees with you.

Thank you so much.

Have a great day,
Family Suhm

Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 8:16 AM

Subject: International Move to Helsinki, Finland

From: Penny Boyer
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 2:55 AM
To: David Wiviott
Subject: Thank you so much!

Dear David,

I know this thank you has been a long time in coming! I have been travelling and only got back to Finland.

I just want to say how much care and attention was shown to the move to Finland. I was so impressed with the extra care that was given in packaging, that none of our items was broken, even the most delicate artwork. I even noticed the attention to detail, when I had already wrapped some items and they were rewrapped even better than I had done!!!  So thank you, thank you.
I would also like to make an apology, as I know I said your men were taking their time in wrapping and that extra time meant that everything arrived safely. Again thank you and your team for a job well done.

Kind regards
Penny Boyer