Sent: Friday, November 10, 2023 10:01 AM

Subject: International Moving – Massachusetts to England

From: Rosemary Broome-Bingham
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2023 3:23 AM
To: Doug Wiviott
Cc: Gary Newman ; John Weigel; Alan Bingham
Subject: MA to England International Move with Rainier Overseas Movers, Inc.

Dear Doug, Gary, and John,
You asked for my impressions of the move.
Gentle Giant were excellent. 5+ out of 5. We’d used them to move us before and were very impressed with their professionalism, efficiency, and helpfulness. Rainier Overseas Movers – good communication, everything happened when they said it would. 5 out of 5. Brittania Mover – fine, everything arrived intact, 3 pleasant helpful guys, 3.5 out of 5. We haven’t unpacked all the boxes yet but no breakages and no damage.
One of the things we love about Gentle Giant is that they’ve thought through all stages of the process. When we moved with them before, the rugs were first off the van, positioned in place/switched around if necessary, then the big pieces of furniture were brought in and positioned, then the rest of the stuff came in. Also, they typically arrive around 8am (or earlier) so we have all day to get everything sorted. For this move, everything went smoothly, everything was solidly wrapped. They managed to fit it all in a 20′ container. No breakages.
One good thing about Brittania was that they’d asked about parking and because we live on a narrow urban street, we paid an extra 550 pounds for them to bring two smaller vans. Also, we paid 300 pounds to Oxfordshire Council for a parking permit. Bringing a big moving truck would have been a disaster. It would have blocked the street. They said they’d arrive mid/late-morning and got here around 11am. They wanted to unload the smaller truck first – that was the one packed mostly with boxes, so within a couple of hours, every inch of floor was covered with a box. I’d drawn little maps for each room showing where furniture should go and stuck them on each door but they put the boxes down wherever there was floor space. We asked that priority be given to finding my husband’s toolbox because we wanted to assemble the bed that day and he needed a screwdriver. Also, we wanted them to offload two large area rugs plus their pads. We eventually got the toolbox, but to assemble the bed we had to move many boxes around the bedroom to make room for the bed. Plus, one of the area rugs would go under the bed. The two area rugs were almost the last thing off the truck. They immediately announced that the 8 by 10 rug would not fit in the 8 by 10 space in the living room, and to try to lay it would involve moving all the furniture and there was nowhere to move it to. Many boxes ended up in the back garden but then it started to rain. But we eventually sort of got the rug down. By then it was 4pm and they had at least a 2-hour return journey ahead of them on a Friday afternoon so there was much “the vans are empty, are we done?”. And to be fair, we were exhausted (we’re seniors – my husband is 79 and I’m 75) and we wanted the place to ourselves, so we said yes. We did move all the furniture out of the living room and straightened out the rug the following day, and we’re mostly now unpacked! Brittania were fine and were pleasant but if I was living on my own, I could not have reassembled furniture, repositioned it, moved all the boxes again, etc by myself. I would have had to hire another moving company to make the place habitable.
I hope this helps! Two weeks after being reunited with our possessions, we are basically delighted with the move.